Arbitrating Contractor Affairs

Arbitrating Contractor Affairs

In engineering and contracting agreements the parties to the contracts may reach an agreement on settling their disputes over contracting affairs through “arbitration”.

In indent (c) of Article 53 on “General Contract Conditions”, which are accepted similarly by the private sector contractors and the employer, it is stated that: “When there is a disagreement on the enforcement or interpretation of the contract provisions, either party may submit a request for arbitration of the dispute(s) to the head of the Planning and Management Organization.” This action may eventually lead to a form of arbitration by the “Supreme Technical Council”.

Iran Arbitration Center is ready to accept the requests for arbitration and provide advice on contracting and engineering affairs by employing expert arbitrators and managers, who have a mastery of contracts, and professors and experts with a complete mastery of engineering and contracting rights, the process of drafting, concluding, interpreting, and enforcing engineering and contracting agreements, and the methods of settling disputes over these contracts.

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian