Accepting arbitration disputes

Accepting arbitration disputes

There might disputes about the accuracy of the arbitration agreement or its interpretation between the parties.

The arbitrator might have issued a verdict by violating the limits and obligations admitted by the two parties or it might have ignored the valid documents issued by either party or both parties.

In addition, you may be willing to file a claim or defense in connection with an arbitration case due to reasons that are beyond the scope of this introduction.

If you think the verdict issued against you is invalid and you are willing to file a claim to the court to invalidate the verdict or defend against an invalidation request, or if you are involved in an arbitration case as the plaintiff, defendant or a third party, you should know that Iran Arbitration Center is ready to accept arbitration claims and provide arbitration advice with the aid of adept lawyers and arbitration masters.

Please fill in the form below to request services for accepting arbitration disputes:

  • اطلاعات متقاضی

  • به همراه کد شهر
  • موضوع دعوی

  • ارسال مدارک

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian