Arbitrating foreign investments

Arbitrating foreign investments

What prevents investors from investing in another company is the possible loss of their capital or the risk posed by the outflow of capital from the country receiving the investment. Therefore, countries try to support their investors in other countries by signing bilateral and multilateral agreements and adhering to international agreements.

Hence, the identification of bilateral or international agreements applicable to investments and the methods of settlement of disputes arising from foreign investments call for adequate knowledge of foreign investment and its notions as well as the enforcement of those agreements and methods of lodging claims.

Using adept arbiters and legal consultants with a mastery of the issues of foreign investment in Iran and the advantages and pitfalls of the related regulations, Iran Arbitration Center is ready to settle the disputes between investors and investees.

Please fill in the form below to request services for arbitrating foreign investments:

  • اطلاعات متقاضی

  • به همراه کد شهر
  • موضوع اختلاف

  • اعلام بر اساس دلار - یورو و سایر ارزها
  • ارسال مدارک

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian