Mediating penal disputes

Mediating penal disputes

In the Iranian Criminal Justice Law a judge can refer some penal cases with the consent of the two parties to a person or institute that acts as a mediator to allow for the mediation of an agreement.

Using the aid of adept and reputable mediators, Iran Arbitration Center is ready to mediate an agreement between the parties of a criminal case with the consent of the two parties or at the request of a judicial authority.

Please fill in the form below to request services for mediating penal disputes:

  • اطلاعات متقاضی

  • به همراه کد شهر
  • موضوع پرونده کیفری

  • ارسال مدارک

    لطفاً مدارک مرتبط با موضوع درخواست خود را (در صورت وجود) پیوست نمایید.
    فرمت‌های مجاز: doc,docx,pdf,zip,jpg
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    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, zip, jpg.

    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian