Arbitrating disputes between companies

Arbitrating disputes between companies

Disputes between companies, which are the powerful core of entrepreneurship and production in Iran, normally originate from contracts and dealings. Based on a mutual understanding of the preservation of the activity cycle and the continuity of operation of companies, it is necessary to avoid prolongation of disputes and allow for the specialized and friendly settlement of disputes.

Using the aid of arbitration experts and specialists with complete knowledge of enterprises and business rules, Iran Arbitration Center is ready to accept the requests for the arbitration of disputes between companies and to provide arbitration advice.

Please fill in the form below to requests service:

  • اطلاعات متقاضی

  • به همراه کد شهر
  • مشخصات شرکت/مؤسسه

  • موضوع اختلاف

  • ارسال مدارک

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian