Arbitrating international trade disputes

Arbitrating international trade disputes

Following the prevalence of international exchanges between countries and the increasing disputes between international traders, the international merchants’ lack of interest in the investigation of their cases in national courts and their lack of trust in the enforcement of verdicts issued by courts in other countries were major barriers to international trade.

Hence, arbitration, as an integral part of international trade, was welcomed by international traders.

Using adept arbiters and legal experts and advisers, who have a mastery of the regulations, bilateral or multilateral agreements, the use of these agreements, and the process of lodging claims and recognizing/enforcing the verdicts of foreign and international arbiters, Iran Arbitration Center is trying to settle international disputes as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost and is ready to accept the requests for arbitration and provide arbitration advice.

Please fill in the form below to requests services for arbitrating international trade disputes:

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian