Arbitrating international transportation cases

Arbitrating international transportation cases

The transportation and shipment are of great importance in the international trade. The interests of international traders that are dependent upon dealings and payments will be protected only provided that the commodities or cargo are delivered to the destination properly.

If the commodity or cargo is not delivered properly or completely, the marine transportation regulations, which are included in the local laws of countries and international conventions, support the rights and interests of merchants.

The Iranian Maritime Law was passed in 1964 to allow for the settlement of disputes.

Using adept arbiters and legal advisers and lawyers, who are aware of the process of international shipment of commodities and have a mastery of the methods of lodging a claim or arbitrating transportation disputes as well as the appropriate international rules and conventions, Iran Arbitration Center aims to settle the disputes over the international transportation of cargo as quickly as possible. This center is also ready to accept arbitration requests and provide arbitration advice.

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    ترجمه مطلب به زبان‌های دیگر: Persian